Forsythia--Two ply variegated yarn created by combining natural brown Shetland with dyed yellow Shetland and white bamboo. Only 13 ounces left at $4.50 an ounce. A lightweight worsted with nice feel and some sparkle to it.

White Cormo two-ply at $5.00 an ounce. About sixteen ounces are available. Also one ball of dark brown Shetland "Nissa" lamb--4.88 ounces for $21.96. SOLD.

Two small skeins of novelty yarn called Ready or Knot. 3.5 ounces total at $4 an ounce. Pure Shetland. SOLD.

A variegated Shetland two-ply yarn produced from a blue-grey fleece, brown fleece and white fleece. "Kalico Blue" is $4.50 an ounce and there are 46 ounces available. Worsted weight and every ball is unique. I've done these colors together before and they make beautiful knit projects.

Heavier worsted weight two-play brown Shetland lamb "Wren". 18.9 ounces available at $3.50 an ounce. The colored yarn is September and one ball is left. It is one ply of Wren combined with some painted roving I received as a barter that has red/pink/green shades throughout. The September ball is $22.50 and there are 4.5 ounces in the ball. SOLD.

The grey yarn is two-ply Shetland called "Sarah" after my daughter's ewe that contributed the wool. There are 12.75 ounces at $4.50 an ounce. "Winter Sky" is one ply Sarah with one ply of a multi-blue Colonial wool blend. There are 19.13 ounces available at $5.00 an ounce.

"Thriller" is a combination of a light grey, black and white Shetland fleece that is spun rather rustically into heavyweight worsted two-ply. There are just 17.64 ounces of this left at $4.00 an ounce. It makes wonderfully warm mittens and hats. SOLD.